
Lady Gaga's Album Chromatica Is for Epic Home Dance Parties | Time

I love Lady Gaga's newest album, Chromatica. This month for Books and Music, I'll be pairing each song with a book!


I think we can all agree there's no better book for this song than Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Alice is probably my favorite song on this album.

Stupid Love

Cassie from The Mall wants nothing but love as she falls for the boy that works at Sam Goody. It seems like the whole book revolves around love. 

Rain On Me

To me, I get the message that it's good to be alive. Even if things aren't always going good, at least your alive. Mare's life has been hard but she's still alive and things do start to look up for her. That's why I'm picking Red Queen for this song.

Free Woman

Bystral has spent her life living by oppressive rules but eventually, she breaks free, and just like Lady Gaga, she's a free woman. My book for Free Woman is A Tale of Magic by Chris Colfer.

Fun Tonight

Zoe and Hank definitely didn't have fun in Miss You Love You Hate You Bye. Hank struggled to help Zoe overcome her eating disorder. This book put their friendship to the test.
Miss You Love You Hate You Bye Review


Morrigan Crow is conflicted with herself. No matter how hard she tries, she always messes stuff up for herself. Just like the song says, her biggest enemy is herself. 

Plastic Doll

The narrator of this song is taken over and abused by boys. I feel like Eadlyn from The Heir could identify with this song.

Sour Candy

I love that Lady Gaga sings this song with Blackpink! It was such a good song to sing along too! Anyway, the book I would choose for Sour Candy is The Betrothed. Hollis's emotions are all over the place and she really is like sour candy!


I feel like the perfect book for this song is The Beholder! The songs about two people who are in love- even if it's only for a night. That reminds me so much of Selah's and Bear's relationship.
The Beholder Review 


Just like a boy left scars on this song's narrator, Addie was also scared by a boy. She can't get him out of her mind the whole time she's in Ireland.

Sine From Above

A sine from above is an uplifting song so it's only fitting that I pick an uplifting book to go along with it. The most uplifting book I can think of is Stargirl by Jerri Spinelli.

1,000 Doves

"1,000 Doves" is another uplifting song. With the help of his friends, Cater is lifted up and learns to fly like 1,000 doves.


"Babylon" is a song about gossip and the best fictional gossiper I know is from The Best Laid Plans by Cameron Lund.

That's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this different version of my music posts and if I should keep doing it like this, tell me in the comments.


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