The Mall by Megan McCafferty

The MallThe summer of '91 is turning out to be the worst yet. After getting over Mono, Cassie is dumped by her boyfriend, fired from her job, and her parents are getting a divorce. She has a few months to spare before she runs off to Barnard College and starts the future she's always planned for- except she no longer has the plan which went away with her ex. Cassie gets hired at Bellarosa Boutique and things start to look up. Soon she and her friend Drea are on the hunt of the summer for a mysterious treasure.
        The synopsis of the book said nothing about the treasure hut which was really the main focus of the book. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this contemporary turned into a bit of a mystery. I think the book would have attracted me more from the start if it mentioned the treasure in the synopsis.
        I liked The Mall a lot but there's one thing that annoyed me so much. Whenever Cassie talked about relationships, she would always stress about how long they were together. For example, whenever she mentioned her ex-boyfriend she would say "my boyfriend of two years." That was really annoying and a bit repetitive.
        The Mall was full of sarcastic humor which I loved. I found a lot of crossovers between Megan McCafferty's other book, Jessica Darling's IT List. Bethany Darling appears in the book and the D'Abruzzi family is mentioned a few times.

Page Count: 320 pages (hardcover)
Published: July 28, 2020
Genre: Contemporary
My Rating: 4 stars


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