
So I’m usually pretty good at finding books for people to read, so for me to give you a recommendation for a book you’ll like, I’ll I need to know is your favorite book. Then based on what I’ve read and the books on my shelves, I guarantee I can find a book you’ll love. All you have to do is fill out the survey below. Then, in the span of a week, a book will be posted on this page, so check back soon!

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If you love Hamilton and Peggy by L. M. Elliott, I would recommend these books:


If you love historical fiction books, you should definitely read these books:

Girl in the Blue Coat Blue Skies Witch Born Alex and Eliza (Alex & Eliza, #1)

If you like The Divergent series, you might like The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, or The Selection series.

                   Image result for the maze runner book Image result for divergent Image result for the hunger games Image result for the selection

Have recommendations for me? Comment below.


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