The Heir by Kiera Cass

Image result for the heir
Page Count: 342 Pages 
Published: 2014 
My Rating: 5 Stars 
Series: The Selection (Book 4)
Genre: Dystopian, Fantasy 

  35 suitors. 1 princess. A new Selection has begun. She's been told her parents' Selection was like a perfect fairytale. Now, it's Princess Eadlyns turn for a Selection. But that's not what she wants. As the first female heir of Illa, she's determined to rule alone. That way no one can be more powerful than her. Eadlyn already has three brothers, and now, thirty-five more will come to live with her, and they'll all be competing for her heart, a heart that could never be won. 
  From annoying "friends" and family heartaches you're sure to get laughs (and cries). While I do like Eadlyn's personality shines through, from the beginning of the book, I just wish I have gotten to see more of America. Three books is a hard bond to break. Anyway, just like in the other three books, Kiera Cass is a wonderful author and the characters are so beautifully created. I couldn't possibly say anything bad about it. 
  Now let me talk about some of the characters. I definitely ship Hale and Eadlyn. I love him so much! I have a pretty good feeling that she'll end up with Kile or Eric (that's not a spoiler. I wrote a rough draft for this review before I even started the 5th book in the series and if that does happen, you can blame it on my friend for telling me she loved the characters with such a giggly smile). Anyway, there aren't really any female characters in the story that play a biggish role except for Neena, America, Camille, Josie. I hate Camille and Josie so much though. 
  Now listen up all Kiera Cass fans! Her newest book The Betrothed comes out MAY 5, 2020. 

You can be brave and still be feminine. You can lead and still love flowers. Most importantly, you can be queen and still be a bride. 
Other books by Kiera Cass: 


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