November Wrap Up

November was great! Between the release of one of my new favorite books and diving into the Morta Insurments hype pool, I've had a great reading month. I've also reviewed many great books this month (one of them being an all-time favorite). Book Reviews: A Dress for the Wicked by Autumn Krause My Rating: 5 stars A Dress for the Wicked is one of my all-time favorite books! This is definitely something that I would go back and reread. This book definitely needs more hype! My Review The One and Only Ivan by Kathrine Applegate My Rating: 4 stars Series: The One and Only Ivan book 1 This is such a depressing middle-grade novel but I really love it! My Review Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell My Rating: 4 stars I loved this graphic novel! It was such a quick, fun read. My Review Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo My Rating: 5 stars Clap When You Land was a beautiful novel told in verse. I absolutely love this book. My Review The Boy in the Striped Pajamas...