Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acavado

Camino lives in the Dominican Republic. Yaraha lives in New York City.  The two girls have never met but they have one thing in common: their father. When their father dies in a tragic plane crash, Camino and Yaraha's world turns upside down. To add to all the crazy in their life, they find each other. Now they have to grieve the loss of their father while learning what the discovery of each other means. 
    Clap When You Land was a beautiful novel told in verse. There were so many good quotes that I just loved! I wish I owned this book because the hardcover was so beautiful. Not only was the dust jacket gorgeous but the naked hard-back was stunning. One side had huge palm tree leaves to represent the DR while the back had an NYC building on it.
    Camino and Yaraha were beautifully written. They had so many different sides that I liked to explore. That being said, there was one character that I didn't really care for. Camino had a friend (or cousin, I forgot which one), Carline, who had a baby during the book. I don't know why but I just found that charter a little boring. 
    There were so many depressing moments. It was really sad when the girl's father died. Some moments were really tearjerking. Overall I this book was amazing!

Page Count: 432 pages
Published: May 5, 2020
Genre: Contemporary
My Rating: 5 stars
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