The Selection... In AMONG US

 If you've been following me for a while, you probably know that The Selection is one of my favorite book series. Lately, Among Us has been taking the world by storm and everyone seems to be playing it- including me. So what if our favorite book characters played Among Us?

America Singer

    America Singer would always be Cyan. You can fight her on that one. She always had a little balloon over her head just because she wanted a hat. When a meeting is called, America is always running it. She is always loud and voicing her opinions. Usually, this gets her voted out as an imposter.

Maxon Schevre

    Maxon is probably the worst out of everyone. He is easy prey for the imposter and always dies first. When he is the imposter, he usually gets out by accidentally venting in front of cams. On the rare occasion that Maxon does make it through the first round, he usually tries to stick with other people. Maxon is a born leader and despite America's attempts to dominate the conversation, he always gets everyone to vote out the right imposter. 

Aspen Leger

    When Aspen is an imposter, he always goes for Maxon first, probably out of spite. And also because Maxon stole his hat (and girl)! This move usually gets him voted out first. When he is a crewmate, Aspen usually abandons all his tasks to go try to catch the imposter in the act. He proves to be pretty good as a detective. 

Marlee Tames

    Marlee is absolutely adorable and no one wants to kill her. Or vote her out. The only one with enough courage to do it is Celeste. Marlee is usually the first to finish her tasks and when she's done she likes to tag along with America. 

Kriss Ambers

    Kriss Ambers is the best imposter there is. She always wins. Come to think of it, I don't think she's ever lost... 

    America is always sus of Kriss but no belives her. Kriss is terrible as a crewmate though. Somehow she always gets killed by the person she trusted most. 

Celeste Newsome

    Celeste is a mediocre player. She never gets out first but she never makes it to the end either. She's so coy during the discussion and very loud with her opinions. She's always that one person who gets voted for calling out others. Celeste also starts some very heated discussions in the chat. 

Eadlyn Schreave

    Eadlyn tends to be pretty quiet during the discussions, especially when she's the imposter. When Eadlyn is a crewmate, she calls an emergency meeting right away to get someone to watch her do a visual task such as the med bay scan or trash. She likes to clear any sus of her right away. 

Eikko Koskinen

    Eikko always managed to stumble upon dead bodies but he never reports them. He's way too focused on his tasks to care about them. He usually sticks with Eadlyn most of the time, giving him a pretty solid alibi. When Eikko is imposters he always gets caught venting.

    Well, that's how I think the characters of The Selection would play among us! I had so much fun making this post and I definitely plan to do it with other books such as Red Queen


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