The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

Bruno hates his new life at Out-With. He left all his friends in Berlin and doesn't even know why he's there. Mother tells him it's because the Fury has big things planned for his father. Life at Out-With is horrible until he meets Shmuel. The boys are separated by a fence but that doesn't stop their friendship from growing.
    The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was such an interesting take on the Holocaust. A basic Holocaust book sees the Fury as the bad guys. Burno's father was part of the Nazis and he thought that the soldiers were amazing. They were glorified in Burno's mind. Burno saw both sides of the war as good which is pretty uncommon for books about WWII.
    Burno had no idea about what was going on though. He didn't know about the camps or about Hitler trying to take of Europe. He was completely oblivious. It was so annoying how little he knew. Other than that, I liked the book a lot. It was fast-paced but really sad.

Page Count: 240 pages
Published: January 5, 2006
Genre: Historical Fiction
My Rating: 4 stars


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