October 2019 Wrap Up
Sea Witch by Sarah Henning
Rating: 4 Stars
I'll admit that I didn't really like this book at first, but it got better towards the end.

The Heir by Kiera Cass
Rating: 5 Stars
Series: The Selection book 4
Series: The Selection book 4
35 Suitors. 1 Princess. A New Selection Has Begun.

The Crown by Kiera Cass
Rating: 3 Stars
Series: The Selection book 5
35 suitors entered The Selection. Who will win her heart? Worst ending to a great book series.

Best. Night. Ever. by A LOT of people
Rating: 4 Stars
A story told from 7 points of view.

The Stranger by Chris Van Allsburg
Rating: 4 stars
This book was actually kind of good for a picture book.
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