Sea Witch by Sarah Henning

Sea Witch (Sea Witch, #1)Page Count: 368 Pages 
Published: July 31, 2018 
My Rating: 4 Stars 
Series: Sea Witch (Book 1) 
Grene: Fantasy 
Amazon link for Sea Witch

  Evie's best friend, Anna, drowned four years ago. Now, on the night of Prince Nikols' birthday, a mermaid saves him when he falls into the water. A few days later, a girl with a remarkable resemblance to Anna shows up on the shores of Havensted. Soon, both girls capture the eyes- and hearts, of two dashing princes. But both girls harbor a deep and dangerous secret that just may be the death of each other. But can Evie find a way to help her new friend stay on land- and keep her on two feet before its too late?
  This book has everything I love: magic, romance, and secrets! I'll admit that it got off to a slow start, but, but the deeper into the book, the better it got. I loved that there were flashbacks to four years ago when Anna drowned. Those parts really helped us uncover what really happened. It didn't really have anything to do with a sea witch until the very end. I do think that there was some insta-love between Evie and one of the princes. And I do hate one of the princes of obvious reasons once you finish the book.
  One more thing that I don't like about the book is that there's one line that repeats OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Sarah Henning does use the phrase "and I sink into him"  A LOT. If you didn't notice it before, you won't be able to unsee it now!
  I just also LOVE the cover. I couldn't help but just stare at the tentacles during class while I was supposed to be listening (sorry teachers!). I don't know why but I just find the tentacles oddly satisfying.
  If you do end up reading and liking this book there is a sequel: Sea Witch Rising.
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Anonymous said…
Definitely got me interested! ALso, how did you start this blog? It's really amazing and I'd love to know how you did it. Can't wait to see your next review! :)
Anonymous said…
Definitely got me interested! ALso, how did you start this blog? It's really amazing and I'd love to know how you did it. Can't wait to see your next review! :)

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