Lets Book Talk: The Stranger by Chris Van Allsburg


An Intro to Book Talks... 

  So this is one of the first book talks I'm doing so (the second only to The Selection) I am still trying to figure this out so BEAR WITH ME EVERBODY! Feel free to comment on your thoughts too and start up a conversation about the books, this is what this post is for. When you comment and share your ideas, I get to go back and add to this post. 

Why we read this book 

  So if any of my classmates are reading this (which I'm sure there maybe one or two), then you already know about the Socrates Semiare we're doing. So for class, we read this book and talked about it. Our teacher asked who we think the Stranger could be. I instantly blurt out Jack Frost and before I can give out all my reasoning, I am interrupted (what a surprise).  Anyway, I end up being right. That's a surprise. 
  So here's one question I have for my classmates: Did you think that idea was stupid? One friend told me in homeroom, that everyone thought it was. She even reenacted my partner's infamous face that he makes when he's insulted or confused. 

The Stranger is Jack Frost 

  All the signs were there! When the Stranger blew on his soup and Mrs. Bailey felt a chill, the doctor's mercury in the thermometer getting frozen, the Stranger never got a sweat when working in the fields, and how the trees never turned a different color, almost like they were frozen in time! And the most obvious clue, the writing in the window at the end of the book that read, "see you next fall". There might have been more that I missed though. 

Other Thoughts

  For once, I felt as if our teachers picked a good book for class- even if it was short. This author has written so many books we have read if you think about it. There's The Polar Express, The Widows Broom, The Garden of Abdul Gasazi (we read that in 6th grade, right?), and Jumanji just to name a few. 

Let's Book Talk Post 2


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