Evil Thing by Serena Valentino

 Like the song says, if Curella De Vil doesn't scare you, no evil thing will. From the time she was a little girl, Curella had always been eager to please her mother. To earn love. From her only childhood, Curella changed. After possibly getting cursed, Curella was no longer a sweet little girl. A mixture of heart-break and longing made her into the fashionable villain the world knows her as. 

Curella's tale was so sad! She was such a sweet little girl that it would be impossible to think she would become a ruthless monster. Her mother was so awful to her and from the moment I started reading, I pitied Curella.

Ever since I started reading Evil Thing, I've had the Curella De Vil song stuck in my head! I definitely want to watch 101 Dalmations again now!

One thing that I loved about Evil Thing was that it was told in first person. The other six books in the series were told in third person. It was still good, but I liked reading from Curella's perspective. Speaking of the other books though, I can't wait for the upcoming release of Cold Hearted which follows Lady Termine.

Though there were a lot of things in this book that I loved, I hated that the chapters were so long. I feel like this is a thing I talk about a lot, but I prefer short chapters. There were some moments that were a little boring for I loved this book for the most part.

Page count: 352 pages

Published: July 7, 2020

Genre: fantasy

Series: Villains book 7

My rating: 3 stars

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