Mistress of All Evil by Serena Valentino

Published: October 3, 2017
My Rating: 5 stars
Series: Villains book 4
Genre: Fantasy
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Everyone knows how the lovely maiden falls under a curse and is then woken by a prince. But that's only half of the story. As the princess falls into a deep sleep, much more happens. Furthermore, the secrets behind Malicifent's motives are revealed. In this sweeping retelling of Sleeping Beauty, Malifcifent's past is revealed in a heartbreaking way.
This book was great! Once I started reading, I could not put it down. I loved learning about Malicefent's childhood and a few connections with other fairytales were made! You will never believe who Malicfent's aunt is! Or who Aurora's parents are!
I also really love the covers in this series. I think the naked hardback of Mistress of All Evil is so cool! That dragon is simply amazing!
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