The Beast Within by Sernea Valentino

Page Count: 215 pages (Hardcover)
Published: July 22, 2014
My Rating: 4 stars

Series: Villains book 2
Genre: Fantasy 
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  The Beast was left alone in his castle for years until Belle came along. But what was his life like before she traded for her father's spot as a prisoner? What really caused the Enchantress to curse him? As Beast reflects on what happened to him, the curse starts to break with the help of Belle. We get to see a new side of the prince.
  This tale as old as time has never been so interesting! In this book, Serna Valentino shares what might have really happened to this young and arrogant prince. This series is really intriguing. This book has some plot twist that will affect how you look at the movie forever. You'll never believe who Beast's best friend was! Ask me to chose between the Disney movie and this book, I'll be picking this.
   I am so excited about the sixth book coming out on September 1, 2020: Evil Thing about Curella Devil. I also think it is cool how on the hardcover editions of these books, the dust jacket will have a different face than the actual cover. The dragon on the inside of Mistress of All Evil is truly stunning.


Other Books I have reviewed by Serna Valentino:


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