Spring Cleaning Book Tag
1. The Struggle to Get Started
A book or series to struggle to begin because of its size
A series that I've been really hesitant about starting is the Dorothy Must Die series by Danielle Paige. There are seven books in total and though I'm sure I'll love them all. I wanted to find a time where I could sit down and read all the books. I'm sure I'll be starting the series soon!
2. Cleaning out the Closet
A book or series you want to unhaul
The answer came easy for this one. I would unhaul We Hunt the Flame. This has been the only book I DNFed in the last year or two. I wanted to love this book but it was just so slow for me. If you want to see my full thoughts, here's my review.
3. Opening the Window and Letting Fresh Air In
A book that was refreshing
One book that I found very refreshing was A Tale of Magic by Chris Colfer. Before reading this book, I had read Magyk which I didn't like at all. Chris Colfer was also one of my favorite authors so I was very excited to dive in.
4. Washing out the Sheets
A scene you wish you could rewrite
I would probably go back and rewrite the ending of Struck by Lighting- another Chris Colfer book. I found the ending really sad. After such a funny, wise-crack book the ending was pretty down in the dumps.

5. Throwing Out Unessery Knick-Knacks
A book in a series you didn't think was necessary
For this prompt, I'm going to choose a book form one of my favorite series. I will always love The Selection but the last two books in the series were terrible. They were needed too. The Heir and The Crown were a bit disappointing compared to the first three books.
6. Polishing Doorknobs
A book that had a clean finish
The Merchant of Venice was a book that had so much going on. Though it was hard to keep track of in the bringing, everything ended well.

7. Reaching to Dust the Fan
A book that tried too hard to relay a certain message
I wasn't really sure what to chose for this prompt but if I had to choose, I would pick Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. This book was full of messages of friendship and kindness.
8. The Tiring Yet Satisfying Finish
A series that was tiring but satisfying to finish
I am so bad at finishing series so there isn't a long list to choose from. I would say The Modern Faerie Tales by Holly Black was pretty tiring. I hated the second book so much but I read it anyway.
That's it! May has been such a busy month with posting but this has felt like a pretty laid back post. I love doing book tags and I definitely will be doing more soon!