Part of Your World by Liz Braswell

 What if Ariel had never defeated Ursula?

 Five years after the events of the Little Mermaid, Ariel receives word that King Triton might still be alive. She jumps at the chance to finally right the wrongs of her past. She wasn't expecting Trulia to be so different though. Prince Eric is just waking up from the curse placed upon his kingdom. Together, he and Ariel discover that Ursula has much more sinister things in store for the small oceanside kingdom of Trulia.

This was such a good book! The pacing could feel so slow at times, but the story kept moving. I loved the story. The Twisted Tales series is so much fun to read. I love these alternate endings to Disney tales.

Reading Part of Your World made me want to go back and watch the movie. I've had the song "Part of Your World" stuck in my head for days! Ariel was always my favorite princess when I was younger so I loved getting to go back and revisit her tale.

Liz Braswell's version of Ariel and Eric were so much cooler than they were in the Disney movie. Ariel is such a badass! There were also some parts where Eric wasn't the dumb prince he was in the movie. Sadly by the end, he was acting a little dopey again. I loved both of these characters, but their romance in this story just didn't connect with me.

The last chapter was a little disappointing and unneeded. It was a chapter about Vereet who was a minor character in the book. Compared to the previous chapter which was an adorable moment between Ariel and Eric, it was a little slow. I would have loved the ending so much more if it wasn't about Vereet. If her chapter was taken out, I think the end of the book would have been so much better!

Page Count: 475 pages

Published: September 4, 2018

Genre: fantasy

Series: Twisted Tales

My rating: 3 stars

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Also by Liz Braswell:


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