If You Like This, Read This: Fantasy Edition

 A while ago I did a post where I recommended books based off of others. Now I'm back with five more books you should read, all of them fantasy!

If you like Sky Without Stars then you should read A Wish in the Dark

    Let's start off with Sky Without Stars and A Wish in the Dark. Both books are stunning retellings of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. I found so many similarities between the books about and Les Mis making them so of my favorite retellings.
A Wish in the Dark book review

If you like Eragon then you should read The Rose Legacy

    The Rose Legacy is basically Eragon but with horses instead of dragons. It has a lot of the same tropes including the chosen one and evil royals.

If you like A Song Below Water then you should read Sea Witch

    In A Song Below Water, sirens live in secret while the humans around them have no idea they're even there. Sea Witch takes us to a faraway land where sirens and mermaids are things of legends. But in both books, the creatures from the deep rise with power.
Sea Witch book review

If you like The Kingdom of Back then you should read This Savage Song

    Music can be like magic in some ways. The Kingdom of Back and This Savage Song take that literally as music plays a huge part in the magic system for both books.

If you like The Beholder then you should read The Selection

    These two books are full of romance! While Selah travels to different countries looking for a husband, America competes in a competition to win a prince's heart. Both The Beholder and The Selection are full of dashing princes and kick-butt girls.

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