Cinder by Marissa Myer

Cinder lives in New Beijing. A deadly disease caused by Lunars is sweeping over the commonwealth. One day, Cinder's stepsister, Peaunie, falls ill. Cinder works as a mechanic and provides her family's main income. When Prince Kai ends up coming to her shop, she's stunned. A romance starts to bud but Cinder is keeping a secret from Kai. If he knew she was a cyborg, he might- he wouldn't love her. 

Cinder is a futuristic retelling of the fairytale Cinderella. Cinder is a dystopian novel set after the fourth world war. There are also people who live on the moon called Lunars. The Lunars are threatening war on Earth so obviously, no one likes them. Like Lunars, cyborgs are hated too.

I feel like Marissa Myers never stopped adding to this world. At every turn, there was something new for me to find out. Constantly new things were being revealed and I loved it!  I never knew what was coming next.

Like I said before, Cinder is a Cinderella retelling and it was obvious. It was kinda basic. Cinder had a dead father, a stepmother who hates her, and two stepsisters. Nonetheless, I do want to continue with the series because Cinder left me on a huge cliffhanger. 

Page Count: 400 pages

Published: 2012

Genre: Dystopian

Series: The Lunar Chronicles

My Rating: 4 stars

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Also by Marissa Myer:


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