Heres a Whole Bunch of Books To Last You Through Your Quartintine + My Corona TBR Pile
AHHHHH! STUCK IN HOME FOR 2 WEEKS (PROBABLY MORE!?)! I'm definitely going to get cabin fever. And that my friends, is why I need amazing books to take me outside of my small state here in the US. That's right! From enjoying the comfort of my bed, you can find me in Oz, New York (Reavltion Era of course), and Illéa for the next few weeks.
Do you need books recs. too? Well open your wallets and get ready for a big haul on Amazon because I'm about to hit you with enough great reads to last you until April!
I only have two ARCs left but no plan to read them any time soon. There are also so many books I want to start reading soon so let's start the list.
Do you need books recs. too? Well open your wallets and get ready for a big haul on Amazon because I'm about to hit you with enough great reads to last you until April!
5 Series That'll Keep You Wanting More
Here are 5 awesome series that YOU should reading during this break from school or work. These books are in no particular order but they are all amazing.
1. The Selection by Kiera Cass
One of my all-time faves for sure! I actually just finished the companion novel, Happily Ever After, today. A week ago I finished Kiera's newest book, The Betrothed, which comes out in May of 2020 so stay tuned for that!
I also have a whole page dedicated to The Selection.

2. Red Queen by Victora Aveyard
So I haven't exactly finished this series yet, but the first book was AMAZING! I can't wait to get the second book, Glass Sword.

3. Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch
Again, I have not finished this series but Love & Gelato is definitely my new favorite book. The review for this book has not yet been posted. BUT I will put the link in when it has.

4. The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer
For the past 3 years, The Land of Stories had been my favorite series. Now it is topped only by Love & Gelato. I would still say this is the best middle-grade book and I really should post a review for it soon. The series is about a pair of twins- Alex and Conner- who get a book titled The Land of Stories for their birthday. The book starts acting up and soon enough, they find themselves in The Land of Stories. Their only way out is by completing the Wishing Spell. But the Evil Queen is also after the wishing spell so it's a race to get it.
5. Miss. Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
I just have to read The Conference of the Birds and I will have completed the series. I only reviewed the first book in this series because I felt if I gave each one its own review then little bits of the story would get spoiled. Besides just reviewing this first book I also review the companion novel, Tales of the Peculiar, and I do have a page dedicated to this series.
Here are Some Awesome Stand-Alones to Even Out the Balance
1. Hamilton and Peggy by L.M. Elliott
So if you don't know already, but I'm kind of obsessed with the musical Hamilton. I also have the entire soundtrack memorized soooo.... yeah I have a problem. Hamilton and Peggy through is about Alexander Hamilton and Peggy Schuylar's friendship. I sang my way through half of the book. Most of the names made me burst out and I recommend this book to EVERYONE!

2. Miss You Love You Hate You Bye by Abby Sher
Miss You Love You Hate You Bye came out last month and I really liked it.

3. A Castle in the Clouds by Kirstein Gier
This one came out in January. I did like this one and it has a great mystery with a small love triangle. Book Review
So I don't have too many stand-alone reviewed on my blog so I do not yet have a review posted for the following but I highly recommend all of them. I also have reviews coming soon for these ones.

4. Witch Born by Nicholas Bowling
Witch Born follows Alyce, who has been living in Bedlam Asylum. When Alyce escapes, she finds herself at the center of a battle between queens. This book takes place during the 1500s in London when Queen Elizbeth was fighting with Mary, Queen of Scots.

5. The Book Theif by Markus Zusak
I've heard so many good things about this book so of course, I had to pick it up for myself. I was not disappointed. The Book Theif is about Liesel who lives in a small German town while the Nazi regime is at its peak. Leilsels family then takes in a Jew.
Quarantine TBR
So we're probably going to be off of school for more than 2 weeks and I have A LOT of series to read. I probably won't have my book club either so I don't think I'll be getting any new ARCs soon. We've been off for school for about 6 days and I have already finished 3 books: Forged in Fire and Stars by Andrea Robertson, All Together Now by Hope Larson, and Happily Ever After by Keira Cass.

The Alex & Eliza Trilogy by Melissa de la Cruz. I've started the first book, Alex & Eliza, but I haven't gotten very far. The other two books, in case your wondering, are War & Peace and All For One. One thing I like about the covers- besides their beauty- is that they are the colors of the Schuyler Sisters. And it's in order too!
The Modern Faire Tales by Holly Black is a book series I've meaning to get to for a while. I have a copy of the books so it's just one big 700-page book instead of the three. I've just been really intimated by the size.
Another series I want to read is the Dorothy Must Die series by Danielle Paige. I got this series for Christmas and I'm super excited to read them.
Besides those books, if I get the time I would like to dive into Stepsisters by Jenifer Donnelly, Romanov by Nadine Brandes, and my ARC copy of The Mall by Megan McCaffrey.
So right now I'm reading Alex & Eliza as I said before but also Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen. I'm starting The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare soon for Reading class.
I think that's all I have to say today!