Catacomb by Madeleine Roux

 Dan, Abby, and Jorden have finally finished their senior year and left all the creepy events from Brookline behind. unfortunately, the past is not done haunting them. The three are off to New Orleans and are startled to learn that someone may be following them. To make things even worse, a secret gang is resurfacing and it'll take everything not to lose a limb to them.

First off, Catacomb was such a disappointing ending to the Asylum series. Each book seemed to get worse and worse. I still think Asylum was great, but Sanctum and Catacomb were a bit of a letdown.

Catacomb wasn't nearly as creepy as I was hoping for it to be. It was pretty predictable and I figured out who was behind everything as soon as he showed up in the book. However, there was one good plot twist that I would have liked to see explored more.

I think Madeleine Roux is great at wrapping up her books. There are never any loose strings or questions I still have.

Dan was so annoying in this book. Through this series, I could feel his personality changing as he became more and more annoying. In Asylum, he was just jealous of any guy who Abby would talk to and he was just plain annoying Sanctum. It was much worse in Catacomb though. He was a total crybaby. Dan took any opportunity to complain. He was in the same boat as Abby and Jorden when it came to these traumatic experiences yet those two weren't going around making everyone listen to their problems.

Page count: 335 pages

Published: June 14, 2016

Genre: horror, mystery

Series: Asylum book 3

My rating: 3 stars

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Also by Madeleine Roux:


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