5 Bewitching Books I Loved

The witching season is here everyone! Whether they're busy plotting their wicked schemes or simply or performing a seance, you're sure to love these witches. Today I have five spell-binding books that feature some of my favorite witches. But be careful! These books may just put a spell on you!

5. Witch Born

The first book on this list is Witch Born by Nicholas Bowling. Witch Born was great and I couldn't put this book down. I instantly fell in love with Alyce. 
After months of being locked up, Alyce makes her escape from Bedlam Asylum. Witchfinders are hunting her and are on her tail. England is separated by two queens. Before long, she finds herself at the center of this battle for the throne. Only one question burns in Alyce's mind: What do two powerful queens want with a witch?

4. Hocus Pocus

I don't think any witches are iconic as the Sanderson Sisters. Hocus Pocus is an amazing Halloween movie and the book is just as good.
In 1693, the Sanderson sisters were hung because of witchcraft. They said that they would return in 300 years on Holloween night. When Max Dennison moves to Salem, he is despite to impress Allison. When he accidentally releases the three witches, it's up to him. Allison, and his sister Dani to send them back where they belong. 25 years later, Max and Allison's daughter Poppy finds herself repeating her parent's mistakes. When she releases the Sanderson sisters, she'll need the help of her friends Travis and Isabella to send them back to where they came from. 

3. Mooncakes

This book is adorable! The artwork is amazing and Tam and Nova were so cute together. In Mooncakes, we get a refreshing break from the werewolf/vampire war and get to see a cute witchy romance spark.
Nova knows more about witchcraft than just about anyone her age. She spends her days working at her grandmothers' bookshop where she sells spell books and investigates the supernatural. One night, she catches wind of a white wolf. What Nova finds is her old childhood crush Tam, battling a horse demon. Tam is a werewolf who has been wandering from place to place for years, unable to find a home. Tam has no choice but to turn to Nova for help against the dark forces pursuing her. 

2. Dorothy Must Die

When you think of famous witches, who doesn't think of the Wicked Witch of the West? Sure she's dead in this book, but Oz still has plenty of wicked witches. I love how Danielle Paige turned the original story upside down into something so twisted and amazing!
Dorothy thought she saved Oz. But she was just the beginning of all their problems. After Dorothy found a way back to Oz, she's been ruling the magical land with an iron fist. She's not the girl from Kansas everyone thought she was. Amy Gumm is the other girl from Kansas. After being recruited by the Order of the Wicked, Amy is going to help save Oz. But to do that, Dorothy must die. 

1. A Tale of Witchcraft

I always love Chris Colfer's books! They are amazing and captivating. In his latest book, he took us to the Ravencrest School of Witchcraft where I got to meet some of the funniest fictional witches. Though they were definitely some sinister things going on with Madame Myra, the witches were so much fun!
Brystal Evergreen is overwhelmed now that the magical community is accepted in the world. But her big changes have woken up a centries old brotherhood that wants her dead. At the same time, a rival school for witchcraft is opening. Even worse, Brystals closest friend, Lucy ends up attending the school.

    I think all these books were spellbinding! I couldn't put them down and I love them all! I would recommend any of these fantastical reads! 


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