Witch Born by Nicholas Bowling

Image result for witch born  Alyce is locked up in Bedlam. They say she's mad. Her mother was burned at the checkpoint for being a witch. Now, after months of being locked up, Alyce makes her escape from Bedlam Witchfinders are hunting her and are on her tail. England is separated by two queens. Before long, she finds herself at the center of this battle for the throne. Only one question burns in Alyce's mind:
What do two powerful queens want with a witch?
  This book was so captivating. Nicholas Bowling was so creative, the world and characters were crafted perfectly. I loved every page of it! This book was engaging that I just couldn't put it down. The story takes place in the mid-1500s when Mary, Queen of Scots, was fighting for England's throne which belonged to Queen Elizabeth I at the time.  
  Although the book was not centered around Alyce's relationship with Solomon, but there was definitely a spark there. I wished we got to see more romance between them. 

Page Count: 313 (Hardcover)
Published: September 25, 2018
My Rating: 5 stars
Genre: Historical Fiction, Fantasy
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