The Queen's Secret by Jessica Day George

Anthea's discovery of horses was just the beginning. The king soon lets horses roam free in Coranam, but it comes with a price. All riders with the Way are at his bidding. But as soon as horses are allowed in the kingdom again, a mysterious plague starts to spread rapidly through the kingdom. As Queen Josephine reveals one of her largest secrets to Anthea, it seems her mother is up to her old tricks again.

First off, I remembered literally NOTHING from The Rose Legacy. It's felt like forever since I read it! Nonetheless, I was able to get a pretty quick hold on The Queen's Secret. I'm sure I'll be just as lost when I get to The Riders Regin though.

There were so many confusing moments in this book though that definitely weren't the fault of my poor memory. A chapter would end with this huge reveal and then the next nest chapter would take place hours, sometimes days later. I remember one chapter beginning with someone shooting at the girls in a village when Anthea, Jilly, and Meg were nowhere near a village in the previous chapter.

One of the few things I do remember from The Rose Legacy is Finn and Anthea's relationship. I remember wishing multiple times during this book that it was YA so I could get to see their relationship grow through things were awkward between them in this book.

It also seemed like Jilly and Anthea switched personalities. All of a sudden Anthea couldn't care less what she looked like while Jilly took hours to do her hair. I remember in the first book of this series, Anthea was horrified by the thought of putting on pants while Jilly seemed like a crazy let loose cousin.

I really liked the beginning of The Queen's Secret but the ending kinda lost my attention. Overall The Queen's Secret was a pretty good sequel compared to other series (ahem, Dorothy Must Die). I can't wait to read The Riders Reign. 

Page Count: 256 pages

Published: May 14, 2019

Genre: Fantasy

Series: The Rose Legacy book 2

My Rating: 3 stars

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Also by Jessica Day George:


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