Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody & Joanne Rendell

Chatine is a street rate who steals to survive. She was raised by corrupt crooks. Marcellus is an officer, raised by the general of Laterre. His father was a traitor who was part of the rebellion of 488. Alouette is one of the last people of Laterre who can read the Forgotten Word (aka English). She lives in an underground refuge but an unexpected murder will bring her to the surface for the first time in years. When Marcellus unknowingly recruits Chatine to track down his old governess, they get roped into things they would have never dreamed of.

Sky Without Stars is based on Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. It was crazy how alike the two are. I love it! I could match up Les Mis with all the characters in  Sky Without Stars. I've been watching Les Mis since I was a little girl and it has always been one of my favorite movies.

I love Chatine. I love Marcellus. But I couldn't care less for Alouette. Each character had their own chapters which were great and I liked seeing each POV. Most of the time, the chapters would end on an agonizing cliffhanger.  I would have to wait for one maybe two chapters before I could finally find out what happened next. That's definitely part of the reason why it was so hard to put this book down.

Alouette's chapters were a little boring so she wasn't my favorite character. Marcellus fell instantly in love with her and there was no real spark between them. In my opinion, Marcellus and Chatine should end up together (just like Marius and Eponine are meant to be- fight me on this).

I really want to read the next book because there was so much that wasn't resolved in this book. It left off on a massive cliffhanger and I want to know what happens next to our three main characters.

Page Count: 582 pages

Published: March 26, 2019

Genre: Dystopian, Sci-fi

Series: System Divine book 1

My Rating: 4 stars

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