Crossed by Ally Condie

Cassia has been sent to a work camp in hopes of finding Ky. She has one last chance but doesn't know if they will be reunited. At the same time, Ky is at another work camp. He hopes every day to see Cassia again. Cassia soon finds out about a rebellion rising. She was overjoyed about it. But the rising destroyed Ky's family.
If you read my review for Matched, then you'll know that I didn't really like the book. Despite that, I decided to read Crossed. I listened to the audiobook instead of physically reading the book which worked out in my favor. Unlike Matched, Crossed was told from two different POVs. Cassia and Ky. Even better, the audio was narrated by two different people. The audiobook for Reached has three narrators listed so maybe we'll get to see Xanders POV too?
I liked Crossed a lot better than Matched. The book went by much faster and I enjoyed it so much more. I'm starting to like the Matched Trilogy a little bit more. I still don't like the first book though. I will continue and finish the series so a review for Reached will be coming soon.
Page Count: 367 pages
Published: March 12, 2013
Genre: Dystopian
Series: Matched book 2
My Rating: 4 stars
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