Matched by Ally Condie

Image result for matched"
Page Count: 369 (hardcover)
Published: November 30, 2010
My Rating: 3 stars 
Genre: Dystopian, Romance
Series: Matched Trilogy book 1

  Cassia has always trusted the Society's rules. When she's Matched with Xander - her best friend- she is overjoyed. That is until another face flashed on the screen. Now, she is faced with the difficult choice between Xander and Ky. Between the life she's always known and the choice to forge her own path. 
  To me the book was ok. I read it with a group of friends and one really loved it. The other one only liked the dystopian part of the book. Most of the book was good it was just really slow and boring in some parts. The ending chapter could have been better too. It's not that I don't like the ending. It was just really boring. 
  When we first chose the book at the school library, we couldn't stop laughing. On the very first page with the list of praise and reviews one line said: 
Think The Giver but sexier. 
  The Giver (by Lois Lowery) was a book that we all read last year so we knew what it was talking about. We were also a bunch of teenage girls with contagious laughter. Looking back it's not as funny as we thought...


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