Stone Keeper by Kazu Kibuishi
Emily's father died two years ago. Now she, her brother, and her mother are moving into the old home of her great grandfather. It isn't very long before strange things start to happen. First Emily stumbles across an amulet. Then strange creatures stalk their basement. After Emily's mother is taken, she and Navin journey into an unknown world to bring her back. What they find is that Emily is the stone keeper.
The book had a very fast pace. So fast that the plot felt rushed. Although rushed, the story also felt under-whelming. I was expecting a bit more based on the reviews I had read. Most people had rated it five stars on Goodreads but I didn't end up liking the book that much.
Stone Keeper is the first book in the Amulet series. There are nine books in total, the last one being published this year.

The art wasn't my favorite too. The shapes of the characters head was a bit weird that seemed like the drawing style Kazu Kibuishi chose to use. In some panels, the shape of the heads was very well made but in other panels, they would be a huge oval.
The plot was predictable too. Eventually, the way Navin and Emily got repetitive. I don't think this will be a series I continue.
Page Count: 192
Published: January 1, 2008
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Amulet
Series: Amulet
My Rating: 3 stars