Fairday Morrow and the Talking Library by Jessica Haight and Stephanie Robinson

Image result for Fairday Morrow and the Talking Library by Jessica Haight and Stephanie RobinsonPage Count: 236 pages
Published: November 24, 2017
My Rating: 4.5 stars 
Series: Fairday Files (Book 2)
Grene: Fantasy, Mystery 

  If you though Fairday's adventures with the DMS were over, then you were wrong. There is a bookworm that threatens the Talking Library. When the librarian, Fas, enlists the help of Fairday and her friends, they soon realize that there is much more to the Begonia House than meets the eye. Weird interviews and mysterious markings are just the tip of the iceberg for Fairdays new mystery. At the same time, Lizzy finds a long lost family relative that just might help them more than they think. 
  Just like I said in my review of the first book, I met the authors at the Made in Connecticut Convention and they were super nice! Just like the first book had a Wizard of Oz theme, this one had an Alice in Wonderland theme. I liked that this book also mentions many other popular books such as Harry Potter and Holes

  The authors also have a middle-grade book blog. The blog is run by Lizzy and Fairday. Here is the link to check them out: Fairday Files Blog. Here is the link to their main websites: Faidayfiles.com.


Other books I reviewed by Jessica Haight and Stephanie Robinson:

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