If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales & Cale Dietrich

 Ruban Montez and Zach Knight are both part of the boy band Saturday. Along with their best friends, Angel and Jon, share the stage and the spotlight. Shortly after they finish their American tour, they are shipped off to Europe for another long strand of tiring days and restless nights. Those nights become even more restless when Zach drunkenly kisses Rubin. While their bandmates may be supportive of the budding romance, it feels like the world is trying to come in between them.

I loved this book. This gay boy-band romance was absolutely adorable. I think now I might be a Saturday fan girl.

Zach and Ruban were great together. I loved reading from both of their point of view. I also loved getting to see how their feelings changed as the story progressed. Zach especially had great character development. 

The friendships in this book could have stolen the show. The four boys had such a deep bond but it was tested with several ups and downs. 

I was expecting this book to be light-hearted and fun, but I was surprised by the number of heavy subjects it touched on. If This Gets Out dealt with drug abuse, emotional abuse, and mental health/the pressure of being famous.

Thank you to NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. 

Page count: 416 pages

Published: December 7, 2021

Genre: contemporary

My rating: 4 stars

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