All I Want For Christmas is the Girl Next Door by Chelsea Bobulski

 Graham has been in love with the girl next door ever since she moved in. The only problem is she's been dating his best friend, Jeremy, for the past two years. Then, one night, everything changes as Graham makes a wish on a shooting star. All he wants for Christmas is Sarah Clarke. And his wish comes true. When Graham wakes up the next day, he finds that he's been dating Sarah for the past two years. Graham's wish would have only come true if he and Sarah were meant to be together, but he and Sarah bring out the worst in each other. Not to mention Graham's falling for the new girl in town. 

If you ignore the fact that literally EVERYONE was emotionally cheating on one another, this was a pretty okay book. I swear this book had more drama than Glee. On the bright side, All I Want For Christmas is the Girl Next Door wasn't boring at all, though the book was really predictable. I called that ending on page 17. On top of the preditcablity, it was a bit repetive. For most of the book, he would go on not-dates with Piper only to go see Sarah right after so he can remind himself how much he loves her.

I liked how short it was. This was a quick holiday read, perfect for helping you complete your Goodreads goal. I wanted to curl up next to the fire with this book while it snowed outside. Too bad it doesn't snow in early November... 

I really liked the setting of the book. Christmas, Virginia seems like such a cute town.

For the majority of the book, I felt like screaming at Graham. When I tell you this dude is so unbelievably stupid, it's an understatement. The guy couldn't get one thing right. He kept messing up time after time. He made me cringe so many times! And he was so obbessed with Sarah, it was creepy. Like stalkerish creepy.

Graham could also be a bit of a jerk at moments. He spent a lot of the book leading Piper on and then the moment she wanted to go on a date with some dude form the book store, Graham was like absaloutly not. Then, he tries to join's Sarah's family (who hate his guts) in a tree decorating contest. They take it so seriously, but Graham doesn't even try.

When he finally gets his wish and dates Sarah, he's awful to her. I feel so bad for this girl because she's gone through so much already. Everytime he sees Sarah, he starts a fight with her. 

Page count: 214 pages

Published: October 28, 2021

Genre: contemporary

Series: All I Want For Christmas

My rating: 3 stars

Trigger warnings: eating disorders, suicide attempt

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Thank you, NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Also by Chelsea Bobulski:


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