Let's Book Talk: Six of Crows

 One of the most hyped YA series there are is the Six of Crows duology. Since I finally finished the series, I can say with confidence that it deserves all the hype it gets. As always, feel free to comment on this post and start your own discussions. Just a warning to anyone who hasn't read this series yet: there are major spoilers ahead.

I love these characters

Why are these characters so amazing? Like seriously I loved all of our main characters! Kaz had one of the best character introductions ever. 

Wylan is precious

Wylan is officially one of my favorite characters of all time. He was so precious. I loved him. He and Jesper are such an adorable couple. Whoever narrated Wylan's chapters in the Crooked Kingdom audiobook did an amazing job. That Kaz voice killed me. Wylan better be included in season 2 of Shadow and Bone or I'll be very disappointed.

Why I hate Kiwei so much

In my review of Crooked Kingdom, I mentioned hating Kiwei. I hate him because of that scene where Jesper kissed him. Kiwei just stood there while Jesper kissed him. He didn't say anything! I blame Kiwei for Jesper and Wlyan's fight.




Leigh Bardugo came up with the best backstories for all these characters. Kaz's past was so sad. The fact that he had to swim across the river with his dead brother is just so depressing. Wylan's past was also really sad.

How does Leigh Bardugo fit so many good quotes into two books?

There were so many great lines in this book so here are five I really love.

1. "No mourners. No funerals."

2. "Greed may do your bitting, but death serves no man."

3. "Better terrible truths than kind lies."

4. "My ghost won't associate with your ghost."

5. "The life you live, the hate you feel- it's poison. I can drink it no longer."


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