The Cleaners by Ken Liu

Is it better to remember or forget? Gui is a professional cleaner who scrubs away the unwanted memories of the past. Unlike other cleaners, Gui can't feel the memories from the objects. However, Clara can. She doesn't like to though. When her sister Beatrice brings back a memory from her childhood, Clara's mind might change.
I wished The Cleaners was more than a short novella. I would have loved it if this was a full book. It's such an interesting concept. In the short time, there was, I loved Beatrice and Clara. All three of the characters had so much to contribute.
The Cleaners is the fourth book in the Faraway series which I love! The other two I read (so far) were based on past fairytales so I'm not sure if this one was inspired by one too. Going into the book, I thought maybe Cinderella?
Nevertheless, The Cleaners was short and memorable. It was really deep and even made me think a little.
Page Count: 28 pages
Published: December 15, 2020
Genre: fantasy
Series: Faraway
My rating: 3 stars