Time Bomb by Joelle Charbonneau

Cas, Diana, Rashid, Tad, Z couldn't be more different. The depressed girl, the perfect daughter, the star football player, the kid who everyone makes fun of, the closeted gay, and the trouble maker. What brings them together is an experience that will change their lives forever. The six are all trapped in a school. A school that has bombs inside. Even worse, they overhear on the radio that the bomber is still inside the building. And it happens to be one of them.

Time Bomb had me on the edge of my seat. It was gripping, fast-paced, and I couldn't put it down. From the moment I picked it up, I wanted to know who set off the bomb. Each character had a motive that was clear from the start- except Dianna and Tad. He was such a sweetheart. 

At every moment, I found myself trying to guess who set off the bomb. What was the motive? I want to solve this mystery. And solve this mystery I did. I kept switching between a couple suspects and this really crazy idea. You probably couldn't even imagine my surprise when that really insane theory I wrote down in my annotations as a joke ended up being correct. Yep, that's right folks! Call me Sherlock Holmes because I just solved the Time Bomb mystery.

Even though I was able to guess who did it, I think this thriller was incredibly crafted. It wasn't a very obvious ending at all (I just got really sidetracked while reading and was like hey wouldn't it be crazy if this happened?). I wasn't expecting to be right because that's how crazy it was.

My favorite character was Tad. From the beginning I adored him. There was nothing to suggest that he could be the bomber and I just found that he was a really cute character. Also, I love that we got some LGBTQ representation in this book!

On the other hand, one character that I didn't like was Frankie. Actually, I hated Frankie. He was a little jerky and the way Tad and Diana talked about his experiences with him made him sound like a total douche bag. I wouldn't say the story would be better without him though because he was very important to the plot.

If you've read Time Bomb and do want to see all my thoughts as I was working my way through this novel, then you can check out my book talk which should be posting in a couple of days!

Page count: 340 pages

Published: March 13, 2018

Genre: Thriller/mystery

My rating: 5 stars


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