The Candymakers and the Great Choclate Chase by Wendy Mass

Logan and his friends are back as they prepare to go on a tour of the Harmoicandy. Several days before they leave, Logan notices a change in the Harmonicandy. The chocolate is different! And so throughout their road trip, Logan, Miles, Daisy, and Philip must solve the mystery of the missing chocolate ingredients. Almost everyone has a missing relative so that's a subplot too.
The Candymakers and the Great Chocolate Chase is the sequel to The Candymakers. This book was so disappointing. I remember loving The Candymakers when I first read it so naturally, I thought the sequel would be equally as great. But it wasn't.
The story was so boring. I felt like I could fall asleep at any moment. I hated it so much. I will admit that the first two parts of the book were the worse. Once I got to Daisy's part it got much better and Philip's part was okay. However, when I got to part five (all), I lost interest once again. Literally, nothing happened the first two hundred pages either.
The book wasn't all bad though. There were good parts and I do like the characters. I also think it's cool that whenever the names of candy factories or stores or mentioned, the font changes. It's very unique to the book and I like it.
Page Count: 544 pages
Published: August 2, 2016
Genre: Mystery
Series: The Candymakers book 2
My Rating: 2 stars