A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow

    I really wanted to love this book. Like really badly. And in the beginning, I did. I was so invested in the story but after a day, I couldn't find the motivation to pick up this book. A Song Below Water has an amazing plot and amazing writing but unfortunately, sometimes those two factors aren't strong enough to defeat the terrible disease known as the READING SLUMP! (gasp!)Tavia has to keep her siren identity a secret in a world where they hate her kind. She lives in Portland, Organ where there are only a few other sirens. She at least has Effie, her best friend who she considers a sister. Effie has problems of her own as she struggles with her love life on top of the Renaissance Fair. All that gets pushed aside though when the shocking news of a siren murder comes to their attention. Then the girl's favorite YouTuber also comes out as a siren.
    It's okay guys, I'm cured now! Anyway, I chose to DNF A Song Below Water on page 215 which is really close to the end. I do want to come back to the book when I have the right attention span and mindset thought. From what I read, it was amazing but I'd like to come back to this book when I can fully enjoy it. 
    Though the book was pretty good, I couldn't help but notice a lack of world-building. There isn't much information about sirens as a whole.
    Like I said before, the plot sounds really cool. Not only are there sirens in this book but gargoyles too! I also loved that Effie did the Renaissance Fair! I love going to the fairs and I'm so sad I missed the last one. 

Page Count: 288 pages
Published: June 2, 2020
Genre: Fantasy
My Rating: 2 stars

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