Recent Reads
February was a great month for me and so far, March has been great. I'm super excited about the recent release of The Queen's Secret by Melissa de la Cruz.

Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles
Dates read: February 18 - February 21
Where Dreams Descend was such a great book! It's no surprise that I loved it as much as I did. You can't possibly describe a book as "a combination of Moulin Rouge and Phantom of the Opera" and expect me not to love it. Kallia was such a great character and I totally fell for the villain of this book.
Kallia has never left Hellfire House. The place that kept her prisoner for so long made her feel trapped. When she escapes, she finds out about a competition to find the next headliner of the Conquering Circus. When she enters alongside her assistant, Aaros, they find sinister things lurk in the shadows. Magicians start disappearing, the walls of the city of Glorian keep them trapped, and tricks start going wrong. Even stranger, someone seems to be sabotaging her.

Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland
Dates read: February 15 - February 23
Deathless Divide was a great book! I think Justina Ireland ended off the Dread Nation series perfectly! I also love that even though this is a historical fiction book set in a time where homosexuality wasn't excepted, there's still some LGBTQ representation.
After Summerland was overrun with zombies, Jane McKeene and Katherine Deveraux have no choice but to head west. The girls set out for California to find Jane's mother and kill the notorious Gideon.

Ruthless Gods by Emly A. Duncan
Dates read: February 21 - February 24
Ruthless Gods was so much better than Wicked Saints. Sequels usually aren't better than the first book, but I liked this one so much more than the first book in the Something Dark and Holy Trilogy. Serefin's character development in this book was great!
Nadya doesn't know if she still trusts her magic. She doesn't know if she can trust anyone really. As her group is torn apart the tensions between them become higher and higher- actually leave Serefin out of this because he really did nothing the whole book.

Alice in Wonderland adapted by Russel Punter
Dates read: February 25 - February 26
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has always been one of my favorite classics. The graphic novel was just as great as the book written by Lewis Carrol. The artwork done by Simona Bursi was great too! I can't wait to collect the rest of the graphic novels in this series.
When Alice follows the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole, she finds a fantastic world full of wonders. Alice's journey introduces her to many weird and wacky characters.

Time Bomb by Joelle Charbonneau
Dates read: February 27 - March 2
Time Bomb was such a gripping novel. I couldn't put it down! I kept reading and reading, trying to figure out who set off the bomb. I loved the characters too. Tad was adorable and him being included just made the book so much better
Cas, Diana, Rashid, Tad, Z couldn't be more different. The depressed girl, the perfect daughter, the star football player, the kid who everyone makes fun of, the closeted gay, and the trouble maker. What brings them together is an experience that will change their lives forever. The six are all trapped in a school. A school that has bombs inside. Even worse, they overhear on the radio that the bomber is still inside the building. And it happens to be one of them.