Recent Reads

 I've had such a great week! I've read some great books and I can't wait to talk about them, but I also read some that I wasn't too fond of.

Part of Your World by Liz Braswell

Dates read: January 31 - February 4
    The Twisted Tales series is so much fun to read. I've had the song "Part of Your World" stuck in my head ever since I started reading. I think Liz Braswell's versions were so much cooler than in the Disney movie. Though I loved this book, for the most part, I was a little disappointed with the ending.
    Five years after the events of the Little Mermaid, Ariel receives word that King Triton might still be alive. She jumps at the chance to finally right the wrongs of her past. She wasn't expecting Trulia to be so different though. Prince Eric is just waking up from the curse placed upon his kingdom. Together, he and Ariel discover that Ursula has much more sinister things in store for the small oceanside kingdom of Trulia.

Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan

Dates read: February 4 - February 7
    I thought I would love Wicked Saints. I ended up being so disappointed. The beginning of the book was super confusing. The world-building was terrible. Many things about the magic system went unexplained. The only reason I didn't DNF the book was because I loved the romance.
 Nyda can talk to gods. Malachaisz is a monster with secrets to hide. Serefin is the high prince. The three couldn't be more different, but the fate of their world rests in their hands. To stop a war, they have to assassinate a king.

The Court of Miracles by Kester Grant

Dates read: February 8 - February 11
    The Court of Miracles is amazing beyond words and is definitely a new favorite of mine. I loved the characters and the story that was being told. The book was based on Les Miserables so it's really no surprise that I enjoyed the book so much!
    Nina is part of the Guild of Thieves.  Her midnight robberies were the only thing keeping her from meeting the same fate as her sister Azelma. When her adopted sister, Cosette (known as Ettie), catches the eye of the Tiger, the feared Lord of the Guild of Flesh. Nina becomes determined to keep Ettie safe before she can meet a fate worse than death. Their journey takes the girls from the darkest corners of the Miracle Court to the fabulous palace of King Louis XVII. Nina soon finds that saving her sister comes with a cost. If she goes through with her plans, Nina will set off a war between the guilds.

Conceal, Don't Feel by Jen Calonita

Dates Read: February 12 - February 14
    I've had "Let It Go" stuck in my head for days! Someone, please help me! Aside from that fact, I really enjoyed Conceal, Don't Feel. I liked it better than Part of Your World which I talked about above. It was pretty similar to the Frozen movie and now I want to see Frozen II (which I still haven't watched yet).
    After a terrible accident when they were young, Anna and Elsa were separated for protection. Years later when the queen and king die, Elsa's memory comes rushing back as she discovers her startling new powers. On the day of Elsa's coronation, Anna's memories start to come back too. They set her on a quest to find her lost sister. But the curse is keeping them apart and they'll have to give everything to have to be reunited.

Eldest by Christopher Paolini

Dates read: February 4 - February 14
    It is at this point I ask myself why I'm still reading The Inheritance Cycle. The first book was okay but Eldest was just a complete dumpster fire. Like seriously, I hated it. It was so boring and felt so long.
    Eragon and Saphira's journey continues as they travel to Ellesmera to continue Eragon's training. Meanwhile, Eragon's home village is being destroyed and it's up to Roran to lead them to safety.

The Cleaners by Ken Liu

Date read: February 16
    So far, I've liked all the books in the Faraway series and The Cleaners was no exception. This one felt deeper than the rest and it rose some questions that made you think about life.
    Is it better to remember or forget? Gui is a professional cleaner who scrubs away the unwanted memories of the past. Unlike other cleaners, Gui can't feel the memories from the objects. However, Clara can. She doesn't like to though. When her sister Beatrice brings back a memory from her childhood, Clara's mind might change.

Race to the End of the World by A.L. Tait

Dates read: February 16 - February 17
    This was another book that I didn't enjoy. Race to the End of the World is certainly my least favorite of the books I've talked about in this book. It was slow and boring. Quinn was a poorly written main character, but I'll talk more about that when I post my review.
    Quinn was shocked when he found out that the king wanted a map of the world. Everyone knew that eventually, one would fall off the world and into the jaws of a fire-breathing dragon. Quinn was even more shocked to find out that the king wanted Quinn to be the mapmaker. With his hidden gift, he'd be the perfect scribe. Reluctantly, he agrees and sets out on a journey he never intended to go on.


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