Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi

Alice is different from everyone else. While her town and everyone in it is bursting with color, she is as white as can be. She hopes every day that her father will come home. And her wish might just come true. When Oliver enlists her help to bring him back. The two venture into a strange land called Furthermore. Together they navigate a strange land in hopes of reuniting Alice's family.
    Tahereh Mafi's writing was very unique. It was very fast-paced. She is definitely an author I want to read more of. I've been looking at the Shatter Me series a lot and I do really want to pick up the first book soon.
    Furthermore reminded me a lot of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Not just because the main character was named Alice but Furthermore itself was very wacky and upside down.
    I really liked how the audio was narrated and I'm definitely going to finish the Furthermore 

Page Count: 406 pages
Published: August 30, 2016
Genre: Fantasy
My Rating: 4 stars


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