February TBR
January was a great month but I have a feeling February will be even better! There are so many exciting events coming up including my birthday this Saturday. Currently, I don't have many books on my TBR so here are the few I have left!
Wicked Saints/Ruthless Gods by Emily A. Duncan
Out of all these books, I am most excited to read Wicked Saints. I'm certain this will be a five-star read and the synopsis sounds so interesting! I also love the cover of this book! So pretty!
Goodreads Synopsis:
A girl who can speak to gods must save her people without destroying herself. A prince in danger must decide who to trust. A boy with a monstrous secret waits in the wings. Together, they must assassinate the king and stop the war. In a centuries-long war where beauty and brutality meet, their three paths entwine in a shadowy world of spilled blood and mysterious saints, where a forbidden romance threatens to tip the scales between light and dark.
Part of Your World by Liz Braswell

Goodreads Synopsis:
What if Ariel had never defeated Ursula?
Five years after the (twisted) events of the film, Ariel is now the queen of Atlantica and Ursula is running Eric's kingdom on land. But when the sea witch threatens Atlantica once more, Ariel finds herself returning to a world (and a prince) she thought she'd left behind forever.
*Also I've already started this book and a big plotline so far is that King Triton might still be alive (gasp!).
Conceal, Don't Feel by Jen Calonita

I love Idina Menzel so it's no surprise that I loved the movie Frozen when it came out. I mean, not only has Elsa been played by that great Broadway legend, but we were also blessed when West End in London cast Samatha Barks to play the role.
Goodreads Synopsis:
What if Anna and Else never knew each other?
When a magical accident erases Anna and Elsa's memories not only of magic but of each other the sisters are separated for protection. But when Elsa unexpectedly finds herself as a young queen mysterious magic begins to happen and questions of her past start to form. Will the sisters ever be reunited?
That's really all I have for today! I read a lot more than I was expecting to last month so I don't have as many unread books left on my shelf as I was expecting. I plan to go out and get some more books soon so I'm confident I'll read more than these four books.