Eragon by Christaoher Paolini

At first, I loved Eragon. It was great and so entertaining. After a day, I was hit with yet another reading slump. I never wanted to pick up this book to read. Eventually, I switched over to the audio-book.
The characters were written exactly. I came close to crying during one death and I fell in love with Saphira. My only criticism for the characters (which is more the narrator's fault than Paolini's) was the way Saphira's voice sounded on the audio-book. I don't know why but I just didn't like the voice, and I don't think it was very fitting for the character. As a dragon, it makes sense that her voice was gruff but I think I would have preferred a softer sounding voice. It just didn't match the character to me.
Christopher Paolini had amazing description. Everything was so detailed it made me feel like I was actually there. Not only was the world-building great, but Christopher Paolini really took this story to the next step.
He made up a whole new language for the series. There was a glossary and everything! There was even a map at the beginning of the book which I loved.
Page Count: 517 pages
Published: January 2005
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Inheritance Cycle book 1
My Rating: 3 stars
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