City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

 Clary was always ordinary. Until she walks into Pandemonium and bares witness to a murder. But the police can't see the body. That's when Clary meets the Shadowhunters, the warriors protecting the human world from demons. After Clary's mom is kidnapped by Valentine, a Shadowhunter gone rouge, she enlists the help of Jace to bring her back. 
    It seems everyone talks about Cassandra Claire. Her books have been huge so for a long so I decided to finally see what all the hype was about. City of Bones, the first of the Mortal Instruments series, was interesting, to say the least. 
    I shipped Jace and Clary. They were so cute together and the romantic buildup was great. Some parts of this book were a little much though. Like the scene at Magnes Bane's house. 
    There were also so great plot twists in City of Bones. There were also some that made me want to rethink my choice to even read this book. 
    I think this might have just been me, but I swear the POV switched between third and first-person. Looking at reviews of City of Bones is seems that a lot of people either hate this book or end up loving. In the end, City of Bones was a pretty good book.

Page Count: 485 pages
Published: March 27, 2007
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Mortal Instruments book 1
My Rating: 3 stars


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