The Strangers by Mararet Peterson Haddix

Chess, Emma, and Finn Greystone have a normal life. That is until kids of the same name and age get kidnapped. They even look like the Greystones. Shortly after that, Mrs. Greystone disappears on a suspicious trip for work. Even worse, she might not return at all. With the help of their new friend, Natalie, the Greystone's set out to save their mom and these new strangers.
    I didn't love The Strangers. The plot sounded really interesting but the writing wasn't as intriguing. I found this book really slow but there were still some parts that drew me in. I thought The Strangers was a really weird book. It had a sci-fi element but in a weird way. I don't think that this "sci-fi" element was tied into the mystery in a very good way. The chapters rotated from being about Finn, Chess, and Emma. I don't know why the author decided to give each character chapters since it was told in the third person the whole time. 
    I thought that Finn was a really annoying character. All three Greystones are set to be these really smart and talented kids but most of the time they were so dumb. The only reason we were able to even solve this mystery was because of Natalie. She was probably the only character that didn't annoy the heck out of me.  
    I had no idea where the mystery was going. 
It changed directions almost every other chapter. The kids who got kidnapped were a really big part of the book in the beginning but then got forgotten about after a few pages. I think I would have really enjoyed this book if I was a little younger. There were one or two good plot twists though. The ending left off on a cliff hanger though I don't think I'll be finishing this series. 

Page Count: 416 pages
Published: April 2, 2019
Genre: Mystery
Series: Greystone Secrets book 1
My Rating: 3 stars
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