The Death Cure by James Dashner

Thomas thought he would be safe. He thought that after the scorch trails, everything would be fine. But WICKED has other plans. While cranks still run wild around the flare infested city, Thomas and his friends are despretly trying to escape WICKED's grasps. But they still need the death cure could save their lives but would Thomas really be willing to risk everything to get it? And even worse, would he be willing to risk his life too?
    First off, an amazing ending to this series! Yes I know there are more books but the series really just stops here so...
    I'm going to start with the negative, I didn't like the "love triangle" in this book. I use the term love triangle really loosely when talking about this series. It kinda reminds me of Les Mis but worse because both girls love the guy and he really only love one. The whole Tresa/Brenda thing was kinda annoying.
    Other than that, this book was kinda disapointing. I was expecting a better ending. It wasn't as exciting or suspenseful as the other ones though. Most of the time when the charaters where in Denver, I found the book a little slow.  Actually, this series got a little repetitive. There was always that huge part of the memory loss. He even had the freaking choice! I waited for three novels for this and he decides he'd rather keep everything a mystery. 
    Also, I was really disappointed that this cover didn't have

Page Count: 352 pages
Published: October 11, 2011
Genre: Dystopain
Series: The Maze Runner book 3
My Rating: 3 stars
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