The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart

The Remarkable Journey of Coyote SunriseCoyote Sunrise lives on Yager (an old school bus) with Rodeo (her dad) and Ivan (her lovable cat). Once a week Coyote calls her grandmother who lives up in Washington state. One day, her grandmother tells her that a park in her old neighborhood is being torn down. The same park where Coyote buried a memory box with her late mother and sisters. Coyote has to go back. She has to get the box. Somehow, she is able to convince Rodeo to make the three thousand mile journey back to Washington. Along the way, they pick up lost souls including a runaway teen, a friend that will last forever, and a goat. Yes, you read that right. They get a goat.
        I really liked this book. I never lost interest or had a hard time picking it up. The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise sucked me right in. I fell in love with all of the characters. Coyote is quirky and quick-witted. She's lived on the road since the age of five and I instantly loved her. Another character I loved was Val. I wish she played a bigger role in the book but for the most part, she was a background character.
        There were so many moments in this book that make me think wow that's kinda powerful...
        There was only one thing I have to criticize. At the beginning of the book, the only word used to describe Rodeo was "hippie." Eventually, there were other words but that was the only word Dan Gemeinhart used in the first portion of the book.

Page Count: 344 pages
Published: January 8, 2019
Genre: Contemporary
My Rating: 4 stars
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