My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier

My Brother Sam Is Dead
Tim's family is torn within the war. With a loyalist father and a patriot brother, Tim doesn't know what side to take. In the town of Redding, most people support the king. Tim starts to lose everyone he loves due to the awful war. Tim is trying to keep his broken family together but Sam dies much too soon.
       My Brother Sam is Dead takes place during the American Revolution. One thing that I found different from every other revolution book is the main character's family supports the British. Almost everyone in the book supports the king. Usually, these types of books always take the side of the rebels but in this book, the rebels were more like villains.
       There were a lot of powerful moments and a few tear-jerking ones. I wouldn't say the book was boring, but there were some really slow moments. The chapters in this book were really long so I ended up listening to an audio on YouTube most of the time.
       My only criticism of the book would be its title. It gave away the ending of the book which could've been a big plot twist if the title was something else. Also, Sam is alive for most of the book.

Page Count: 240 pages
Published: June 1, 2005
Genre: Historical Fiction
Series: My Brother Sam is Dead Trilogy
My Rating: 3 stars
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