Let's Book Talk: A Tale of Magic

A Tale of Magic... (A Tale of Magic, #1)This week, I want to talk about A Tale of Magic. I think the book was absolutely amazing so let's book talk! There will be spoilers for A Tale of Magic so beware!

Madame Weatherberry is the Snow Queen

        So let's just start out with the biggest surprise. I was so stunned when I found out Madame Weatherberry was the Snow Queen. I mean really, it was MIND-BLOWING! Can you say plot twist? I could not put it down after that.
        After this, I was so excited to see what happens next. When we first met Madame Weatherberry I thought she was such a nice person and would never do anything evil. Then, when the witches came, I was convinced that she might, like really slightly, be a little bit evil. But I still hung onto the hope that she was good.
        THEN, when she explained everything to Brystal, I knew she was truly good. She was risking her life to fight the Snow Queen! Or so we thought... When we finally found out that Madame Weatherberry is the Snow Queen, I was in shock. How could someone who seemed so sweet be so evil? It was like you know who form Red Queen all over again! 

The Southern Kingdom

        The rules of the Southern Kingdom are ridiculous. Girls can't read? Really? I would never survive a week there. And the whole thing where women should only grow up the be wives and mothers? NO THANK YOU PLEASE! I mean, I love a good romance as much as the next girl but only a wife and mother? No wonder Byrstal is such a rebel.

Other Thoughts

        I loved Brystal. She has so much energy and was adorable. I loved her so much!
        It was so interesting to see The Land of Stories before Conner and Alex. It added so much amazing history to the world! I loved discovering that Brysatl was the Fairy Godmother. And we all know that Lucy becomes Mother Goose!

        How did you feel about A Tale of Magic? Did it blow you away as much as it did to me? 


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