The Elephant's Girl by Celesta Rimington

The Elephant's GirlLex was swept up by a tornado when she was young. She was found huddled with an elephant named Nyah. Since then, she has lived at the Lexington Zoo with Roger. Lex has always loved the elephants and now that she's twelve, she can start helping out with them. Nyah starts to send Lex telepathic images of the woods outside the zoo. When Lex ventures outside the zoo, she meets a ghost "lost spirit" named Amanda who may be the key to finding out about her past.
        I have mixed feelings about The Elephant's Girl. Some parts were good and interesting, but others were really boring. Lex had a predictable personality. There was one great plot twist though. I think part of the reason I didn't love The Elephant's Girl was that I wasn't really in the mood for middle grade.
        The book was very immature and after reading so much YA, I just wanted to keep reading YA. This book is definitely aimed towards someone much younger than me. Maybe around nine or ten is the age range.
        The Elephants Girl reminded me a lot of Elephant Secret by Eric Walter. Elephant Secret is one of my favorite middle-grade books. The reason why I picked up The Elephant's Girl is it reminded me so much of Elephant Secret.

Page Count: 336 pages
Published: May 19, 2020
Genre: Contemporary
Rating: 3 stars
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