Hercules Book Tag

Yet another book tag! Today I'll be doing the Hercules Book Tag. This tag was created by Book Princess Reviews. I've been doing so many tags recently and I'm going to keep doing more.

Hercules (character) (With images) | Hercules characters, Hercules ... Zero To Hero

Name a character you didn't think much of at first but ended up a favorite

Alex and Conner Bailey from The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer. At first, I thought these two were so boring but the more I read of the book, the more I grew to love them.

The Muses

Name some characters/books/authors that inspire you

I was definitely inspired by the characters in The Magic Misfits. After reading the second book, I was inspired to pick up a hobby in tarot.


Name a character who has done morally complex things to save themselves/others/world

I can't really think of any for this one but if I had to chose I guess I would pick Katniss from The Hunger Games. The whole baby/dating Peta thing was a bit morally complex.


Hades (Disney) | Fictional Battle Omniverse Wiki | FANDOM powered ...A character that goes through a huge change

One character that goes through a big change is Evie from Sea Witch by Sara Henning.

I Won't Say (I'm In Love)

Name your favorite romance with the miscommunication trope

My favorite romance would be Amerca and Macxon form The Selection. They definitely had a lot of communication problems.


Name a villain that stole the show

I would pick Maven from Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I was just so in love with Maven the whole time I could stand that he was the villain.

Go The Distance

A book where you feel you would fit in/belong

I feel like I would belong in the world of The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer. I love fairytales so much and Chris does such a wonderful job of combining them into one realm. Plus Red Riding Hood is a queen. Who wouldn't want to see that?

That's it for today! I'll be back soon with more posts!


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