From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess by Meg Cabot
Page Count:192 (Hardcover)
Published: May 19, 2015
Rating: 4 stars
Series: From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess book 1
Genre: Contemporary???(There no magic but at the same time there's a princess soooo?
Olivia has never known her father and her mother died when she was young. She's been living with her aunt and step-uncle ever since. Then one day everything changes. It all starts when Annabelle (who is basically the Heather Chandler of the school {I've been listening to a lot of musicals lately}) threatens to beat her up after school. From there on, the days a mess. That is until Princess Mia Thermopolis of Genovia pulls up in her limousine and offers to take Olivia to the royal family's New York City home.
Just like every other girl, I grew up watching The Princess Diaries which is the main reason I bought this book. This was a really quick read for me (2 days to be exact) so I probably won't be buying the other books in the series: Royal Wedding Disaster, Royal Crush, and Royal Crown and I just realized that all 3 starts with the word royal. I would maybe read them though just not buy them. This book contained all my favorite characters from The Princess Diaries(aka Mia). In the end, this is definitely a book worth reading (if you're in elementary school. There are way too many pictures from this to be a middle school book).
Speaking of The Princess Diaries... they're making a third movie!!! A script has been made and it has been confirmed by Anne Hathway (who was in Les Miserables {again been obsessing over musicals lately}) and Julie Andrews that it will come out.