Septimus Heap: Magyk by Angie Sage

Page Count: 564 pages (e-book)
Published: May 5, 2005
My Rating: 1 star
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Septimus Heap book 1Amazon link for Magyk
Septimus Heap is the 7th son of the 7th son. He is magykal. But he is pronounced dead from birth. The same night, Silas Heap finds a baby in the snow, who they name Jenna. 10 years later, a terrible threat endangers all of them. It's up to Jenna, Niko Heap, and their new friend Boy 214 to save their kingdom and all they love. But maybe that night 10 years ago wasn't all it seemed.
This book moved by really slowly so that the main reason it got 1 star. First off, the series is called Septimus Heap but HE WASN'T EVEN PRESENT IN THE STORY HALF THE TIME. The main character I would say is Silas Heap. Silas is an ADULT, not even someone the reader of this MIDDLE-GRADE book can relate to. The author tried to include so many plot twists that the story was all over the place and you could see most of the "plot twist" coming from like five chapters away. The ending of the book was pretty good and by that, I mean the last five pages. Another thing that really bothered me was the fact that the author took all these words like "magic" and "flight" and spelled them weirdly. So now we have "magyk" and "flyte". Why even add the "y"? This is definitely not a series I will be continuing. The storyline had the potential to be great, but it just wasn't.